Ceres and The Journey of Creative Embodiment: Grief, Loss, Trauma, and Mystery


with Jason Holley

Some say that the most intractable human patterns are the result of ungrieved loss. Grief tends to get stuck in the body, frozen. In her grief at the abduction of her daughter, Ceres cast the whole earth into winter. The Greco-Roman dream of this goddess explores her experiences of grief, embodiment, healing, and Mystery and links these in creative ways that help illuminate our own personal stories involving the loss of innocence that seems to be an inevitable part of fully incarnating ourselves on earth. In this webinar, our focus will be on two stories told of the wandering of Ceres herself: the more widely-known tale enacted in Eleusis and a less-circulated story recorded by Pausanias in wilder ancient Lycosaura.

These stories and particularly some of their less-explored elements, alongside modern stories of individuals in long-term astrologically-informed psychotherapy, will help us to flesh out two complex processes of loss, grief, trauma, and healing that often constellate when Ceres is prominent or stimulated in the chart; and in our way to partake of the deep Mysteries that Ceres offered as her gift to humankind and to each individual via her placement in their own chart.

This video is taken from an online speaker series in 2019.

Pre-recorded for download.

2 hrs. 26 min. | includes video, audio and slides