Chiron in Aries at the Bending – Completing the Initiation


with Jason Holley

In 2020, Chiron journeys through the South Bending of the lunar nodes, recognized as a place of reckoning since ancient times.  Chiron in Aries keys us to the limitations and wounding of the heroic mode of modern consciousness – as well as the possibility of apprenticing the heroic impulse to much deeper and older wisdom.  

In this talk we will explore this rich psychic territory with the aid of stories drawn from the tale of Jason, hero-apprentice to Chiron whose quests included the Golden Fleece of the holy ram depicted in Aries.  These stories give us the opportunity to dream and redream the journey each of us is asked to make when Chiron transits Aries – with the urgency that a trip through the bendings entails, suspended between past and present, karma and dharma, much like Jason’s ship as it navigated through the famous Crashing Rocks that closed in on any thing that dared move between them.

Pre-recorded for download.

1 hr. 20 min. | includes video, audio and slides