Deep Mercury – Hermes and the Quickening of Destinies


with Jason Holley

Descents, retrievals, crossings, encounters – the mythology of Mercury is profoundly psychological. Yet astrology often forgets Mercury’s depth, despite his well-known mastery of what the ancients called Kairos: the ‘just right’ moment where old threads of lives unravel and new ones enter the loom.

Mercury is a soul-quickener: when he arrives on the scene, in myth and in our charts, stuck places unstick, silenced parts start speaking, lost items return. Mercury loosens us up, slips past defenses, opens roads to uncharted psychic territory and the deepest callings of Soul.

Mercury carried the caduceus, the entwined snakes of which were described in one ancient text as bound by the Knot of Necessity at the base and approaching the Kiss of Eros at the tip. Eros and Necessity – and the deep dialectic between them – seem to be the energies at play in every life, each compelling us in multiple directions, and it is Mercury’s magic to act as a guide and way-shower along these potential life paths.

Through stories and charts drawn from long-term psychotherapy, alongside the myths, we’ll explore the surprisingly profound effects Mercury subtly facilitates natally and through visitations by transit, progression, and synastry. We will also consider how astrologers – held by the ancients as sons and daughters of Mercury – may make use of the Mercurial mode of consciousness to offer readings that get behind defenses, invite Eros, and play with Necessity.

Pre-recorded for download

60 min. | includes video, audio and slides