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Uranus in Taurus: Freeing the Minotaur Within

Experiential Workshop in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Foundation Columbia de Conciencia y Energia

Uranus is in the middle of its 7-year sojourn through Taurus this year, especially highlighted as it travels with the North Node. The transit of Uranus is an opportunity to break through layers of avoidance of discomfort and insistence on security to open up a labyrinthine Taurean world of desire, fertility, hybridity, and organicity.

This workshop will offer a more complex view of Taurus through a psychological approach to some of the old stories and their less-discussed details, and then let loose some Uranian invention and reinvention with these tales. For example, the Greeks said that Theseus killed the Minotaur, but what if Ariadne freed the Minotaur instead? These have radically different psychological implications. To flesh them out, we will explore the story using embodied storytelling, astrodrama, sound and movement, and expressive arts.

Workshop in English with simultaneous Spanish translation

For more information or to register contact

Earlier Event: November 6
2023: A New Generation
Later Event: November 24
Jupiter in Pisces and Aries