Retreat Details, Logistics and Costs
Images of Our Retreat Site and Accommodations
Images of Our Meeting Place and Site Visits
Registration Link for Initial Deposit
I’m truly delighted to offer another week-long retreat in Provence this year after too long (2 years!) away. Whenever I think of Provence, I think of love. So love will suffuse this next experience together, first of all.
Inside that relational context, we will especially relate to astrological symbolism and the horoscope through dream and drama — exploring the soul’s night communication, and ancient stories in plays and verse, in an embodied and experiential way.
As part of our trip we will also make pilgrimages to the remarkable sites of the prehistoric Chauvet Cave, and to the meditation cave of Mary Magdalene, who came to Provence on a “boat without oars”, carried by deep currents of the sea perhaps, an image of profound openness to love’s ever-emergent directions.
Attendance is limited to 16 people. All other details in the links provided here.