Every Planet is Someplace on a Journey - Diurnal Motion Through the Houses
Workshop with Jason Holley
In this talk, we will psychologically explore the journey of the planets through the 12 places as described by the ancients. Following the diurnal motion of the planets in a clockwise direction (“backwards” from the point of view of most modern psychological astrology), and incorporating key ancient concepts such as the planetary joys, sect, and the Gates In and Out of Hades, we will illuminate the psychological wisdom of understanding how different planetary energies in one’s life are differently situated in ongoing journeys between Underworld and Upperworld, movement and rest, and Night and Day; as well as how these distinctions connect to the modern and ancient significations of the houses. We will also explore how this recognition of the situation of different parts of self can enhance self-understanding, compassion, and acceptance.
Pre-recorded for download.
1 hr. 3 min. | video and audio (no slides)