Saturn in Myth & Psyche - The Alchemy of Limits


with Jason Holley

In this webinar, we will explore the myths and stories of Saturn, seeking to understand this planetary archetype in greater dimension. 

Old, decrepit, ravenous, child-swallowing.  Feces, lead, decay, deprivation.  The ‘grind’.  Present in the lines on your face, the aches in your knees, the lessons only time can teach, Saturn seems at once to introduce us to the limits of form and to insist that we experience them.  To insist that we subject ourselves to the full range of incarnation and mortality, including death, decay, endings.  And they come not as Plutonic abductions or catastrophes but rather as the devouring march of time, the oppression of order, structure, conditioning.   

And yet.  The Greek god Cronus, whom we meet in the sky as Saturn, ruled during the Golden Age of Man — a time when human beings, or some race like human beings, lived in harmony with the gods and all the various forces of life, with no rules or laws required.  Festivals in his honor were playful, erotic, carnivalesque affairs.  And some say that even now, he rules the Elysian Fields, the closest to a paradisiacal afterlife the Greeks had imagined.  

In this webinar, we will explore the myths and stories of Saturn, seeking to understand this planetary archetype in greater dimension.  Perhaps more than any of our planetary symbols, Saturn requires patience if we want to recognize the full range of his seemingly paradoxical stories and see their relation to his astrological way. Saturn’s stories point to the strange reality that the more incarnate and fleshly and mortal you become, somehow you are also brought by this into something else at the same time. 

We will meet as Saturn retrogrades in Pisces — a good time to be carried back by currents of imagination, as Cronus is invited perhaps to remember one of his origin stories as a child of Okeanos and Tethys.  As always in the mythic way, we will seek to allow the symbol itself to speak — to bring together the threads of the stories, and then see the different tapestries that result through the warp and weft of individual lives.

Pre-recorded for download.

Approximately 90 minutes | includes video, audio and slides