Uranus in Taurus – Freeing the Minotaur Within


with Jason Holley

Uranus begins its 7-year sojourn through Taurus this month. The transit of Uranus is an opportunity to break through layers of avoidance of discomfort and insistence on security to open up a labyrinthine Taurean world of desire, fertility, hybridity, and organicity.

This webinar will offer a more complex view of Taurus through a psychological approach to some of the old stories and their less-discussed details, and then let loose some Uranian invention and reinvention with these tales. For example, the Greeks said that Theseus killed the Minotaur, but what if Ariadne freed the Minotaur instead? These have radically different psychological implications. To flesh them out, we will juxtapose some therapeutic journeys of individuals who have experienced Uranus/Taurus engagements firsthand to see how Uranus will break new ground (perhaps literally!) both collectively and individually.

Pre-recorded for download.

1 hr. 37 min. | includes video, audio and slides

Jason talks about his intentions for this webinar: