Hermes-Hestia Center for Living Astrologies

Living Astrologies Practitioner Training Program

The Hermes-Hestia Center for Living Astrologies is founded and taught by Jason Holley and affiliated faculty. The purpose of all the classes and programs offered are to support students in developing proficiency in astrological practice that facilitates a living experience of astrological symbolism.

The 2024-2025 cohort is now in progress. The 2025-2026 cohort of the program will begin online in Summer 2025. Please use the form below to sign up for information and dates as they are set.


2024-2025 Course Offerings

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2024-2025 Practitioner Training Program

2024-25 Experiential Online Groups (offered a la carte or as part of Training Program)

  • The Iliad Experiential Reading Group (October 2024): A small online experiential reading group for 8 weeks. Between each class we read chapters of the Iliad, the oldest written stories of the Greek gods our astrological pantheon is named after. We also read interpretive, critical, and creative responses to parts of the story. In class we engage with the astrological figures who are depicted, connecting the story to lived experience through discussion and sharing, movement, art, writing, embodiment, and astrodrama. We also look at correlations to individual charts through the planets, signs, and asteroids associated with the people and places of the Iliad.

  • Fire Signs Online Experiential Astrology Group (October 2024): In 10 sessions with a small group of 12-14, we explore each of the three Fire Signs through myth and story, embodied imagination, movement, art and imagery, and writing.  Between classes, I share reading, imagery, and video related to the myths of the signs as well as many related topics — both classical sources and very contemporary explorations. 

  • Inner Planets Online Experiential Astrology Groups (January 2025): In 10 sessions in a small group of 12-14, we explore Mercury, Venus, and Mars through myth and story, embodied imagination, movement, art and imagery, and writing.  Between classes, I share reading, imagery, and video related to the myths of the signs as well as many related topics — both classical sources and very contemporary explorations.  There will be 4 sections offered of this course, comprised of students with considerable experience in this model as well as those new.

*Upcoming Webinars and Lectures offered by Jason through other programs can be found at the Events page elsewhere on this site.*