Personal and Professional Consultations

All sessions may be scheduled using the links provided. Periodically the calendar is closed; if so you will be directed to sign up for the mailing list announcement when open

Individual Consultations (Readings)

Initial: 75 minutes / US$ 325 Schedule New Client Reading

Returning Client: 60 min / US$ 240 (More than 15 months since last session? Use new client link.) Schedule Follow-Up

In an astrological consultation, we walk together under the sky of your birth. We explore how the stories and symbols there relate to what matters most to you in the moment. The zodiac offers that you yourself are a diverse ecosystem, a circle of animals with different desires, gifts, challenges, and relationships with one another. A consultation makes space for more of you to be seen and heard by you, to see your life in a larger context. We will look at your horoscope, also called the birthchart, as well as current-day planetary cycles which speak to current events in your life. Consultations speak meaningfully to any issue in life where a wider, symbolic view could be helpful.

Note: if you are a prior client but it has been more than 15 months since our last session, please use the new session link, not the follow-up link.

Ongoing Astrological Consultation

60 min / US$ 210

Schedule Ongoing Consult Sessions

After an initial consultation, these sessions focus on deepened and shared reflection on archetypal themes and dynamics of interest to you. The aim is to creatively engage, in your own way, with astrological symbolism. Frequently this is accomplished through work with dreams, myth, writing, art, ceremony and ritual, and other ways to invoking and engage astrological symbols. Note: the purpose of these sessions is reflective, inspirational, and creative; they are not psychotherapy nor a substitute for psychotherapy.

Professional Consultation for Therapists and Astrologers

60 min / US$ 210

Schedule Professional Consultation

For psychotherapists interested in integrating astrological symbolism into your practice, I provide case-centered consultation where we discuss your work with particular clients, as well as topically-centered consultation where we consider themes related to your ongoing growth and learning as a therapist. As a therapist, my orientation is primarily Jungian, archetypal, and relational/interpersonal.

For astrologers I aim to support you in developing an astrological practice that is focused on deep contemplation of soul and psyche. My astrological orientation is mythopoetic, archetypal, and psychological, with depth in modern psychological, ancient/Hellenistic, and evolutionary approaches. In mentorship, we discuss your professional development. In consultation, we discuss your client sessions. Focus areas in either may include: professional identity; communicating astrological symbolism; the client/astrologer relationship; integrating astrological insight; recognizing and working with transference and countertransference in readings; research questions and assistance; and so on. In addition to individual mentoring, I offer an 18-month Practitioner Program with a focus on mythic, relational, experiential astrology.