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Day, Night, and Twilight Consciousness: Psychological Approaches to Sect
These webinars offer a psychological and consciousness-oriented perspective on one of the most central doctrines of ancient astrology: planetary sect, the notion that certain planets, signs, aspects, and houses have greater affinity for the Day or the Night. In ancient astrology, this information was primarily used to assess the strength of particular planets; but from a psychological perspective, the Day and Night distinctions offer a powerful mirror of psychological processes that tend toward order, independence, and coherence; and those that tend toward chaos, relatedness, and multiplicity.
The Zodiac in Myth and Psyche
This series is an in-depth psychological consideration of the Greek, Roman, and sometimes Mesopotamian myths associated with the zodiac. We develop a holistic view of the archetypes, and consider them in relation to life stories of individuals with the archetypes prominent in their birth charts.
Deepening Planetary Archetypes Through Myth
These webinars offer in-depth reflections on the mythology associated with particular planets in the astrological pantheon, developing a more complex view of the planetary archetypes and the ways they play out psychologically and in contemporary lives.
The Planets in Myth and Psyche
This series is an in-depth psychological consideration of the Greek, Roman, and sometimes Mesopotamian myths associated with the planets. We develop a holistic view of the archetypes, and consider them in relation to life stories of individuals with the archetypes prominent in their birth charts.
More of Planetary Archetypes Through Myth
The Astrological Houses
Evolving the Art of Astrology and Astrological Consultation
These webinars focus on the art of engaging with astrological symbolism and ways to reflect upon and creatively understand the encounter between astrologer and client.