4-WEBINAR COURSE through Astrology University
In this course, we will explore how engaging with the ancient stories and images from which our modern astrological symbolism arose can facilitate a deep experience of meaning, connection, and revelation in the astrological consultation.
In week one, we will focus on the restoration of mythical consciousness and a re-sacralizing of the special human gift of storytelling: how can we invoke, in ourselves, our clients, and our consultation sessions, an attitude of engaged participation with stories, an experience of our deep embeddedness in stories and images which restores our felt sense of connection to the wider, wilder worlds within and around us?
In week two, we will focus on ways of listening for myth: how can we hear the deep concerns of the client, and how can we see them mythically in the astrological symbols?
In week three, we will focus on ‘objective’ ways of studying myth: how can we bring a holographic approach to astrological symbols, one that draws from the many layers of history and culture and human consciousness that have shaped and been shaped by these stories? How can we engage this history skillfully, creatively, and with an open heart and mind?
In week four, we will focus on ‘subjective’ ways of engaging and amplifying myth: how can we facilitate the inward turn of awareness which brings myth to life in the encounter between astrologer and client, and which allows the symbols themselves to speak?
Throughout the course, we will explore several stories: ancient myths and legends as well as the odysseys of human beings today. Readings will include excerpts from translations of ancient Greek, Roman, and Mesopotamian poetry and plays; and some articles from Jungian, archetypal psychology, classical studies, and the contemporary mythopoetic movement.