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Exploring and Embodying Venus: The Great Goddess and Her Many Loves

6-Hour Workshop at the Alembic in Berkeley CA

I'm delighted to offer this first experiential astrology offering in my new home in the Bay Area.  Just as Venus in Sagittarius reaches the local midheaven, we will meet at the Alembic in Berkeley -- a special place of many inspired gatherings and exploration I'm told!  

Through the felt sense, storytelling, imagery, movement, and astrodrama, we will enter the ancient dreamings of Venus as reflected in the sky of your own birth. I will share some of the Mesopotamian, Greek, and Roman myths of Venus and her lovers, and we will explore the desires, needs, and action urges that constellate when caught in the goddess’s irresistible magnetism. Through entering the archetypal field respectfully and directly, we will develop a multisensory perception of Venus, and of the particular relational dynamics she draws to us and draws us to.

Astrological fluency: have a little familiarity with the basics of your own chart and an openness to various modes of astrology

10am-4:30pm, with a 45-minute lunch break

$125 per person*

Register Here:

* If this amount would create hardship for you, but you feel strongly drawn to attend, please contact me for possible ways to make this work.

About Jason Holley

Jason Holley has been a practicing astrologer for over 30 years and a practicing psychotherapist (LPCC) for 15 years. Jason grew up in astrology, through mothers and grandmothers stretching back to his great-great-grandmother, who was a tea leaf reader in the hills of West Virginia where he was born.

Jason’s work as an astrologer is archetypal and relational: emphasizing the power of stories and images tended in the sky to reweave our connectedness to all the beings with whom we share our world, and as well as to revitalize and redream the relationships between the many creatures of our internal ecosystems. Jason works with astrological symbolism, mythology and storytelling, depth psychology, astrodrama, art-making, and other experiential methods.

He has been faculty at most national and international astrological conferences (ISAR, UAC, NORWAC, FAA-Australia, School of Evolutionary Astrology) and led retreats and workshops in North and South America, Europe, and Australia. He has been a faculty member of Southwestern College in Santa Fe, an experiential consciousness-oriented counseling and art therapy graduate school, for 15 years, and is also faculty for Astrology University and the Center for Psychological Astrology – Mercury Internet School (CPA-MISPA) online.