Details and Registration at the Living Astrologies Conference Site
I am delighted to be organizing the first Living Astrologies Conference, here in Santa Fe, through my organization the Hermes-Hestia Center.
The focus of this conference is very different from typical astrology conferences. It is an all-experiential format emphasizing imaginal, relational, embodied ways of experiencing and learning astrology together.
Our conference centers direct, lived experience of astrology. We are operating from a frame of reference that sees emotion, sensation, dream, instinct, relationship, and imagination as the wellsprings of astrology, the vehicle which ensouls technique and tradition, bringing meaning, revelation, and participation.
Facilitators bring long experience with astrology as well as experiential modes of engaging the stars and stories, alongside personal commitment of heart and soul to vulnerable and real engagement with astrology. Each will offer in-depth (6 hours), small (15-25 participants) workshops, alongside large-group sessions in the evenings.
Modalities will include: astrodrama and action methods, movement and somatics, art and image, storytelling, making food together, work with ancestors and relations, and work with animal and plant relations.