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Giving a Symbol the Space to Speak: Astrology as a Discipline of Deep Listening

In-Person Talk (and Online Simulcast) in Seattle, Washington

The most powerful ingredient of meaningful astrology may be deep listening.  There is an art to cultivating a relationship with the stories and creatures living in our skies and souls.  When we relax the mind’s hunger to know and delineate, to speak for and about the sky, we can actually give the sky herself space to speak, resulting in a genuine experience of revelation.  Through several examples drawn from his consulting practice, Jason will share ways of holding this kind of space in one’s life and also in astrological consultation: methods of tracking and perceiving symbols when they appear; how symbols evolve and the stages they often take in conversation and contemplation; and how practicing astrologers can make their consultations and their lives a more suitable habitat where creatures of the symbolic world can live.  We will draw inspiration from work with animals in the wild, dreamwork, archetypal psychology, alchemy, and especially from the story of Penelope.  Arguably the true hero of the Odyssey, she is the one who kept the noisy know-it-all suitors and their techniques and scheming out of the throne, so that the genuine storyteller immersed by the seas of the unconscious could bring fresh life to the kingdom.

Detailed Information and Registration at Washington State Astrologers Association